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Sustainability Report 2022

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Sustainability Report 2022

HR Evaluation and Assignment

We strive to maximize performance across the organization by ensuring employees treat the organization’s objectives—based on objectives established at the division level—as their own. We aim to inspire the highest level of employee motivation by having each individual outline the specific processes leading to achievement of their own annual objectives, thereby reliably and efficiently contributing to the objectives of the organization as a whole. Employees review their objectives annually, and their degree of achievement of these objectives is reflected in their individual performance evaluation.

An evaluation process based on the INPEX Values1—the common values for all our executives and employees—is implemented at all sites, including in Australia and Indonesia. One important criterion in the evaluation is the level to which INPEX Values are demonstrated in daily operations. This encourages employees with diverse backgrounds and values to share and be aware of the values they should have as INPEX employees and to work together to achieve results not only as individuals, but also as an organization. Employees are additionally given the opportunity once a year to state the kind of work they would like to do or to request a transfer. We also have an internal job posting scheme designed to optimize job assignment from within the Company while boosting employee motivation. In FY2022, out of 16 applications under the job posting scheme in head office, 11 employees were approved for transfers.

We also established an internal side job system in FY2021, providing opportunities for employees to take on new challenges across organizational or job-category lines. The above are some of the initiatives adopted to revitalize the workplace while creating an environment that enables employees to carve out their own careers. Concurrently, we run a return-to-work program to welcome back motivated employees who had resigned from the Company due to unavoidable personal reasons.

Further, we also conducted the Global Engagement Survey in FY2020 for all employees around the world. In FY2022, Based on the findings of the survey, we introduced a new job-focused HR system for executives. This is an initiative introduced based on findings from our FY2020 Global Employee Engagement Survey. The system is designed to clarify the job roles of executives, define remuneration based on job responsibility, and address line-management succession planning and related training.