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Sustainability Report 2022

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Sustainability Report 2022

Our Policy

The support INPEX receives from local communities—underpinned by strong and trusted relationships—forms the basis of our social license to operate, and is therefore integral to the success of our business activities. Our engagement with local communities is guided by commitments within our Sustainability Principles. We are committed to engaging with, and fairly and proactively disclosing Company information to, a wide range of stakeholders, including the communities in which we operate. We seek to build and maintain relationships with our stakeholders through open and transparent engagement.

The INPEX Group Human Rights Policy1 further outlines our pledge to recognize and respect the rights of people in communities who may be affected by our business activities, including the rights of indigenous peoples. In Australia, our commitment to working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities is set out in and implemented through our Reconciliation Action Plan.2

Both the INPEX Group Human Rights Policy and our Health, Safety and Environmental Policy include commitments to avoid or minimize any adverse impacts of our business activities on the communities in which we operate. We conduct impact assessments as part of the development of our business activities and implement a variety of control measures during their conduct. We engage with stakeholders as part of these assessments and integrate findings into our business plans. We also provide forums for ongoing community engagement as well as community inquiries and grievance management.

Our business success relies on access to strong local industries and skilled personnel. We are pleased to support the economic development of our host countries, regions, and communities by working closely with our stakeholders to support local employment and business opportunities, respectful of cultural diversity.

1 INPEX Group Human Rights Policy

2 Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)

Active Community Consultation

Community consultation is currently conducted for all of the 30 production assets and 2 development projects in which INPEX has an interest. Of these, INPEX is responsible for the conduct of community consultation activities for assets/projects in which it acts as Operator. The company is currently Operator of the following assets/projects:

Production assets

  • Ichthys LNG Project
  • Naoetsu LNG Receiving Terminal (operating site)
  • Minami Nagaoka Gas Field
  • Naoetsu Oil terminal and service station
  • INPEX Mega Solar Joetsu

Development projects

  • Abadi LNG Project