Visit the newest INPEX Sustainability Report


Sustainability Report 2022 (for FY2021)

Sustainability Report 2022 (for FY2021)

Sustainability Material Issues: Targets and Achievements


  • SDG 16 (icon)
Strengthen our governance structure

FY2021 Achievements

FY2022 Targets

Medium- to Long-Term Targets, Initiatives and Directions

  • Enhanced our corporate governance system through the proper operation of the Board of Directors and continued to evaluate the effectiveness of the Board of Directors and run the PDCA cycle
  • Responded to revisions of the Companies Act and the Corporate Governance Code, and to Tokyo Stock Exchange reforms

  • Enhance the corporate governance system through appropriate operation of the Board of Directors, and continue to evaluate of the effectiveness of the Board of Directors and run the PDCA cycle
  • Regularly report to the Board of Directors on progress and action plans for INPEX projects (including net zero programs)
  • Promote efforts to optimize the Board of Directors (in terms of diversity, size and composition) based on Nomination and Compensation Advisory Committee discussions of the vision for the INPEX Board of Directors

Improve the effectiveness of the Board of Directors, appropriately disclose information (including through dialogue with shareholders), cooperate with stakeholders, and continuously enhance corporate governance

  • Strengthen the corporate governance structure, including enhancement of the supervisory role of the Board of Directors
  • Deepen discussion by the Nomination and Compensation Advisory Committee toward achieving further diversity of the Board of Directors, and provide feedback on those discussions to the Board
  • Enhance discussion on business strategies supporting INPEX Vision @2022, its associated Medium-term Business Plan, and anticipated future business development, and monitor the progress made
  • Discussed the nomination and remuneration of Directors with the appropriate involvement of the Nomination and Compensation Advisory Board
  • Published a Director skill matrix
  • Established a subcommittee comprising independent directors and external lawyers to review our executive compensation system
  • Study and formulation of proposals by the subcommittee for reforming the executive compensation system
  • Optimize the number of Directors for more efficient discussions and agile decision-making
  • Further enhance the Board of Directors’ diversity based on the Directors skill matrix
  • Introduce and implement a new system of executive compensation aligned with key goals of the Medium-term Business Plan
  • Expanded the tax governance structure across our global operations
  • Strengthen management of global tax risks arising out of overseas sites’ operations and cross-border transactions, through appropriate management of the tax governance structure
Strengthen our risk management system

FY2021 Achievements

FY2022 Targets

Medium- to Long-Term Targets, Initiatives and Directions

  • Held 10 IVAS1 Committee meetings
  • Provided the Board of Directors with an executive summary of risk assessment results for major projects
  • Hold IVAS Committee meetings as appropriate
  • Provide the Board of Directors with monthly progress reports and action plans for INPEX projects (including net zero programs)

Continue implementing and monitoring measures to manage critical risks and issues identified by each division under the Medium-term Business Plan

  • Held two Information Security Committee meetings
  • Held two training sessions on targeted email attacks
  • Conducted an e-learning lesson on information security
  • Monitored security and responded to issues through the internal security team
  • Hold two Information Security Committee meetings
  • Hold two training sessions on targeted email attacks
  • Conduct an e-learning lesson on information security
  • Monitor security and respond to issues through the internal security team
  • Promoted Corporate headquarters-based business continuity management (BCM)2 activities for earthquake scenarios, and provided BCM education and training for employees
  • Implemented and operated a COVID-19 crisis response system under the Corporate Crisis Management Team
  • Promote Corporate headquarters-based BCM activities for earthquake scenarios and provide BCM training and education
  • Update and revise as needed the headquarters business continuity plan (BCP)3 for virulent infectious disease scenarios, based on review of COVID-19 measures
  • Continue operating the Corporate Crisis Management Team for COVID-19 and other pandemic-related BCP teams, and develop and execute a plan for disbanding those teams after the pandemic subsides


INPEX Value Assurance System


Business Continuity Management: The activities undertaken by a company to develop and maintain a business continuity framework and ensure overall preparedness by the company through education and training initiatives


Business Continuity Plan: A proactive plan outlining the priority operations and steps to be taken in the event of a disaster to avoid or mitigate the risk of interruption to business activities

Supply Chain Risk Management

FY2021 Achievements

FY2022 Targets

Medium- to Long-Term Targets, Initiatives and Directions

  • Continued requirement for self-evaluation surveys (including questions on human rights and anti-bribery/anti-corruption (ABC) measures) by major domestic suppliers and contractors
  • Continued risk assessment of major suppliers and contractors (including with regard to human rights and ABC measures), and improved the methods used for risk assessment
  • Participated in Global Compact Network Japan’s supply chain working group
  • Publish our Supplier Code of Conduct
  • Introduce CSR assessments and audits for major domestic suppliers and contractors
  • Continue risk assessment of major suppliers and contractors, including with regard to human rights and ABC measures
  • Continue participating in the supply chain working group of the Global Compact Network Japan

Strengthen supply chain risk assessment and compliance


  • SDG 8 (icon)
  • SDG 12 (icon)
  • SDG 16 (icon)
Respect human rights

FY2021 Achievements

FY2022 Targets

Medium- to Long-Term Targets, Initiatives and Directions

  • Published respective FY2020 Statements pursuant to the UK Modern Slavery Act and the Australian Modern Slavery Act
  • Continued conducting human rights training for new employees
  • Held a human rights seminar for major vendors conducted by an external instructor
  • Publish respective FY2021 Statements pursuant to the UK Modern Slavery Act and the Australian Modern Slavery Act
  • Continue conducting human rights training
  • Review human rights due diligence questionnaire
  • Conduct interview surveys with operating sites
  • Fully comply with and appropriately respond to the laws and regulations of the areas in which we operate, including ABC laws, judicial/administrative sanctions, international norms and ethics, and full respect for human rights
  • Continue human rights due diligence
Comply with laws, prevent bribery and corruption

FY2021 Achievements

FY2022 Targets

Medium- to Long-Term Targets, Initiatives and Directions

  • Facilitated thorough awareness of compliance and enhanced education and training programs (including harassment prevention training for non-managerial employees at domestic offices, and exchanges of insights and opinions with compliance teams in other companies)
  • Bolstered global compliance systems (including continued operation of the INPEX Global Hotline, etc.)
  • Widely disseminated and strengthened the implementation of ABC regulations (including continued implementation of training and due diligence activities)
  • Continued to conduct ABC risk assessments at domestic and overseas offices
  • Ensure thorough awareness of compliance and enhance education and training programs (including e-learning, compliance awareness surveys and training based on the survey results, and response to revisions of the Whistleblower Protection Act)
  • Bolster global compliance systems (including continued operation of the INPEX Global Hotline, etc.)
  • Widely disseminate and strengthen the implementation of ABC regulations (including continued implementation of training and due diligence, etc.)
  • Continue to conduct ABC risk assessments at domestic and overseas offices
  • Fully comply with and appropriately respond to the laws and regulations of the areas in which we operate, including ABC laws, judicial/administrative sanctions, international norms and ethics, and full respect for human rights
  • Continue human rights due diligence

Climate Change

  • SDG 7 (icon)
  • SDG 9 (icon)
  • SDG 13 (icon)
  • SDG 15 (icon)
Pursue climate change goals and provide TCFD-recommended disclosures

FY2021 Achievements

FY2022 Targets

Medium- to Long-Term Targets, Initiatives and Directions

  • Maintained stable and efficient production operations at Ichthys LNG
  • Maintained a stable supply of natural gas and increased supply volume through the safe operation of gas fields, the Naoetsu LNG Terminal and the approximately 1,500-kilometer long, high-pressure gas pipeline network in Japan
  • Engaged in activities to promote natural gas utilization
  • Started commercial operation of local smart energy projects using gas cogeneration facilities
  • Started sale of carbon neutral gas
  • Continued to improve management of GHG emissions, including methane
  • Australia: Aim to further increase the current LNG production capacity to build a framework capable of stably producing 9.3 million tons per year at Ichthys LNG
  • Abu Dhabi: Aim to further reduce production cost by optimizing personnel allocation and introducing new technologies, and supply offshore facilities with clean power
  • Norway: Commence power generation at Hywind Tampen, and evaluate the introduction of hydropower from shore in the Wisting Oil Field development plan
  • Japan: Save energy consumption, introduce carbon neutral power, implement zero flare measures
  • Further expand carbon neutral products and marketing
  • Increase gas ratio of portfolio by raising gas investment ratio to about 70%
  • Make our projects and operations cleaner by achieving zero routine flaring, introducing CCUS and renewable electricity, conserving energy, utilizing forestation credits, and other actions
Advancing five net zero businesses

FY2021 Achievements

FY2022 Targets

Medium- to Long-Term Targets, Initiatives and Directions

  • Achieved CDP Climate Change A- score for the second consecutive year
  • Revised our Corporate Policy on Climate Change
  • Set the goal for net zero carbon emissions by 2050
  • Formulated Guidelines for Climate Change Goals
  • Formulated the Guidelines for Transactions and Management of VCUs1
  • Continue to achieve a CDP Climate Change A- score
  • Reduce net carbon intensity by 10% (4.1 kg/boe) or more between 2022 and 2024
  • Set and manage annual targets of emissions intensity on a project basis
  • Lay the groundwork for complying with ISSB2 climate disclosure standards
  • Reduce GHG emissions intensity by 30% or more by 2030
  • Achieve zero routine flaring by 2030
  • Maintain methane emissions intensity (methane emissions/natural gas production) at its current low level (approx. 0.1%)


Verified Carbon Units


International Sustainability Standards Board

Cleaner oil & gas business and transition to natural gas


FY2021 Achievements

Targets to FY2023-24

Targets to FY2030

Hydrogen & ammonia

  • Began study for the commercialization of a clean ammonia production project in Abu Dhabi
  • Launched hydrogen and ammonia production demonstration project in Kashiwazaki, Niigata Prefecture
  • Commence operation of the hydrogen and ammonia production demonstration project in Kashiwazaki, Niigata Prefecture in FY2024
  • Continue studying the commercialization potential of a clean ammonia production project in Abu Dhabi
  • Consider and launch new projects in Japan and overseas
  • Commercialize three or more projects
  • Aim for hydrogen/ammonia production and supply of 100,000 tons/year or more


  • Approved a development plan inclusive of a CCUS project for the Tangguh LNG project in Indonesia
  • Initiated a joint study to launch a CO2EOR1 pilot test at our Minami-aga Field Office
  • Begin injection testing in FY2023 for Minami-aga CO2EOR pilot test
  • Advance preparations for introducing CCS at Ichthys LNG
  • Consider and launch new projects in Japan and overseas
  • Achieve annual CO2 injection volume of 2.5 million tons or more
  • Become a leading company in CCUS by promoting technical development and commercialization

Renewable energy

  • Ensured stable operation of photovoltaic power generation facilities
  • Joined the Muara Laboh Geothermal Power Plant project in Indonesia
  • Propelled existing geothermal power generation business in Japan
  • Continued environmental impact assessment and flow tests of all production and reinjection wells in the Oyasu region of Akita Prefecture
  • Joined new offshore wind power project off Goto City, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
  • Joined offshore wind power project in the Netherlands
  • Ensure stable operation of photovoltaic power generation facilities
  • Carry out studies for stable operation and additional development at Muara Laboh Geothermal Power Plant project in Indonesia
  • Continue development of Oyasu Geothermal Power Project (Akita) and geothermal surveys at Amemasudake (Hokkaido)
  • Seek out other opportunities for new geothermal projects in Japan and overseas
  • Move forward with development at offshore wind power project off Goto City, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan
  • Pursue development of promising offshore wind power projects in Japan and overseas toward large-scale commercialization of floating wind power generation
  • Aim to secure 1-2 gigawatt-scale installed capacity, mainly in the offshore wind and geothermal power generation business
  • Accelerate business expansion using assets acquired through M&A and other means as a platform

Carbon recycling & new business

  • Developed a drone-supported business concept with Terra Drone Corporation
  • Verified the effectiveness of an artificial photosynthesis project in Darwin, Australia
  • Signed a membership agreement with innovation platform Plug and Play
  • Began technical development toward the practical application of a methanation system at Nagaoka Field Office
  • Launched INPEX Challengers Program to promote creation of internal start-ups
  • Employ drones in facility inspections
  • Pursue further R&D in artificial photosynthesis
  • Construct a plant for planned 2025 launch of synthetic methane production as a methanation technical development project
  • Continue running the INPEX Challengers Program
  • Development of other new business projects
  • Promote the adoption of methanation in society
  • Supply about 60,000 tons of synthetic methane annually via our pipeline network

Forest conservation

  • Acquired 1 million tons of VCUs from Indonesia’s Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD+ project, and started support for construction of orangutan conservation camp
  • Participate in and pursue development opportunities for forest conservation projects
  • Acquire about 1.5 million tons of forestation credits per year from leading forest conservation projects
  • Secure about 2 million tons of forestation credits per year from leading forest conservation projects by 2030 through project participation, development, etc.


Enhanced Oil Recovery


  • SDG 3 (icon)
  • SDG 6 (icon)
  • SDG 8 (icon)
  • SDG 12 (icon)
  • SDG 14 (icon)
  • SDG 15 (icon)
Prevention of major incidents

FY2021 Achievements

FY2022 Targets

Medium- to Long-Term Targets, Initiatives and Directions

  • Enhanced the Corporate HSE Management System (revision/recompilation of the system’s various manuals to improve their conformance with our rules and standards).
  • Improved HSE assurance and governance by conducting four Corporate HSE audits at operator sites in Japan and overseas
  • Provided HSE technical support in 26 operations, and HSE leadership training that included a new seminar for HSE skill development covering areas of safety, health and environment
  • Enhanced process safety and asset integrity management by conducting HSE reviews and providing technical support (bowtie analyses, safety case reviews, etc.) at operator projects, and by commencing measurement and monitoring of Tier 31 and Tier 42 leading indicators
  • Thoroughly implemented serious incident management by reporting, investigating, and statistically analyzing serious/high-potential incidents, drawing lessons from them, and sharing our findings
  • Reinforced emergency and crisis response capabilities by continuing to respond to COVID-19 through the Corporate Crisis Management Team, share information, and make improvements, and by carrying out three Corporate-level crisis response trainings that simulated crises in Japan and overseas
  • Enhance the effectiveness of the Corporate HSE Management System: complete standardization of Corporate HSE Procedures and develop the next Corporate HSE Mid-term Plan
  • Strengthen HSE assurance and governance: conduct three Corporate HSE audits
  • Provide HSE technical support and foster HSE leaders: extend HSE technical support to renewable energy and other projects, and systematically provide HSE training
  • Enhance process safety and asset integrity management: conduct HSE reviews, support safety case implementation, and prepare related policies
  • Thoroughly implement serious incident management: report, investigate, and statistically analyze serious/high-potential incidents, draw lessons from them, and share our findings
  • Reinforce emergency and crisis response capabilities: strengthen defenses against emerging threats such as cyberattacks and the increased severity of natural disasters, and the platforms for security/crisis management
  • Achieve safe performance of high-risk operations and full prevention of serious incidents by thorough practicing the Life-Saving Rules and strengthening process safety management
  • Carry out actions that help improve HSE management
    1. Senior executives demonstrate HSE leadership
    2. Contribute to carbon-reduction projects through HSE management
    3. Perform thorough risk management
    4. Strengthen incident prevention efforts
    5. Prevent leaks from facility processes
    6. Prepare for emerging threats
    7. Help to address global environmental challenges and create environmental value
    8. Reinforce infection control measures
  • Compliance of executive management, managers, and staff with processes established under the HSEMS
  • Aim to achieve zero incidents and prevent major incidents by more firmly embedding the culture of the INPEX Value “Safety Number One”


Indicators to monitor the performance of barriers that prevent Tier 1 and 2 Loss of Primary Containment (LOPC) events


Indicators to monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the management systems elements

Securing occupational health and safety

FY2021 Achievements

FY2022 Targets

Medium- to Long-Term Targets, Initiatives and Directions

  • Strengthened HSE management at worksites by: analyzing HSE culture survey feedback to identify strengths/weaknesses of each division, and using the results to develop an action plan that will be incorporated in the next mid-term plan; and held annual HSE Forum
  • Reduced the number of incidents by: revising the reporting/investigation standards; developing the reporting system and promoting its use; reporting, statistically analyzing, benchmarking, drawing lessons from incidents, and sharing the findings; and introducing incident management-related safety leading indicators
  • Strengthened health management by: implementing measures against COVID-19; conducting a health performance survey; holding health-related seminars; revising the Corporate Health Management Standard; and drafting health risk register standards
  • Strengthen HSE management at worksites: formulate/implement action plan based on the results of the HSE culture survey; reinforce coordination between Corporate and operator projects; and hold HSE Forum
  • Reduce the number of incidents: issue incident bulletins; draw lessons from incidents; statistically analyze and benchmark incidents; strengthen incident cause investigation; and promote introduction of safety leading indicators
  • Strengthen health management: maintain COVID-19 measures; assess state of occupational health management at operating sites; carry out health programs; and enhance health risk assessments
  • Achieve safe performance of high-risk operations and full prevention of serious incidents by thorough practicing the Life-Saving Rules and strengthening process safety management
  • Carry out actions that help improve HSE management
    1. Senior executives demonstrate HSE leadership
    2. Contribute to carbon-reduction projects through HSE management
    3. Perform thorough risk management
    4. Strengthen incident prevention efforts
    5. Prevent leaks from facility processes
    6. Prepare for emerging threats
    7. Help to address global environmental challenges and create environmental value
    8. Reinforce infection control measures
  • Compliance of executive management, managers, and staff with processes established under the HSEMS
  • Aim to achieve zero incidents and prevent major incidents by more firmly embedding the culture of the INPEX Value “Safety Number One”
Biodiversity conservation & water risk assessment


FY2021 Achievements

FY2022 Targets

Medium- to Long-Term Targets, Initiatives and Directions

  • Executed and reviewed our Corporate Environmental Management Plan, including initiatives for biodiversity conservation and water management
  • Execute and review our Corporate Environmental Management Plan, including initiatives for biodiversity conservation and water management
  • Achieve safe performance of high-risk operations and full prevention of serious incidents by thorough practicing the Life-Saving Rules and strengthening process safety management
  • Carry out actions that help improve HSE management
    1. Senior executives demonstrate HSE leadership
    2. Contribute to carbon-reduction projects through HSE management
    3. Perform thorough risk management
    4. Strengthen incident prevention efforts
    5. Prevent leaks from facility processes
    6. Prepare for emerging threats
    7. Help to address global environmental challenges and create environmental value
    8. Reinforce infection control measures
  • Compliance of executive management, managers, and staff with processes established under the HSEMS
  • Aim to achieve zero incidents and prevent major incidents by more firmly embedding the culture of the INPEX Value “Safety Number One”

Conservation of biodiversity

  • Updated the database of protected areas adjacent to domestic and overseas project sites
  • Participated in forestation and biodiversity conservation activities at domestic projects (some activities were not held due to COVID-19 safety measures)
  • Collected basic information on ecosystems, etc of peripheral areas of our domestic projects (Nagaoka, Joetsu, Kashiwazaki, Niigata)
  • Surveyed the current situation of biodiversity at overseas projects (bird surveys & rare species surveys)
  • Conducted biodiversity monitoring at overseas projects
  • Considered the establishment of a biodiversity conservation policy
  • Update the database of protected areas adjacent to domestic and overseas project sites
  • Participate in forestation and biodiversity conservation activities at domestic projects
  • Conduct an ecosystem survey in peripheral areas of domestic projects (Nagaoka)
  • Survey the current status of biodiversity at overseas projects
  • Conduct biodiversity monitoring at overseas projects
  • Establish the biodiversity conservation policy
  • Consider revisions to biodiversity conservation targets and KPIs

Water management

  • Updated water stress assessments in project areas
  • Assessed the current state of water balance of our businesses and collected/ analyzed data on the volume of freshwater/seawater intake and use
  • Considered the establishment of a water risk management policy
  • Responded to the CDP water security questionnaire
  • Update water stress assessments in project areas
  • Assess the current state of water balance of our businesses and collect/analyze data on the volume of freshwater/seawater intake and use
  • Consider revisions to water risk management targets and KPIs

Local Communities

  • SDG 1 (icon)
  • SDG 8 (icon)
  • SDG 9 (icon)
  • SDG 10 (icon)
  • SDG 17 (icon)
Respect human rights

FY2021 Achievements

FY2022 Targets

Medium- to Long-Term Targets, Initiatives and Directions

  • Published respective FY2020 Statements pursuant to the UK Modern Slavery Act and the Australian Modern Slavery Act
  • Continued conducting human rights training for new employees
  • Held a human rights seminar for major vendors conducted by an external instructor
  • Publish respective FY2021 Statements pursuant to the UK Modern Slavery Act and the Australian Modern Slavery Act
  • Continue conducting human rights training
  • Review human rights due diligence questionnaire
  • Conduct interview surveys with operating sites
  • Fully comply with and appropriately respond to the laws and regulations of the areas in which we operate, including ABC laws, judicial/administrative sanctions, international norms and ethics, and full respect for human rights
  • Continue human rights due diligence
Comply with laws, prevent bribery and corruption

FY2021 Achievements

FY2022 Targets

Medium- to Long-Term Targets, Initiatives and Directions

  • Facilitated thorough awareness of compliance and enhanced education and training programs (including harassment prevention training for non-managerial employees at domestic offices, and exchanges of insights and opinions with compliance teams in other companies)
  • Bolstered global compliance systems (including continued operation of the INPEX Global Hotline, etc.)
  • Widely disseminated and strengthened the implementation of ABC regulations (including continued implementation of training and due diligence activities)
  • Continued to conduct ABC risk assessments at domestic and overseas offices
  • Ensure thorough awareness of compliance and enhance education and training programs (including e-learning, compliance awareness surveys and training based on the survey results, and response to revisions of the Whistleblower Protection Act)
  • Bolster global compliance systems (including continued operation of the INPEX Global Hotline, etc.)
  • Widely disseminate and strengthen the implementation of ABC regulations (including continued implementation of training and due diligence, etc.)
  • Continue to conduct ABC risk assessments at domestic and overseas offices
  • Fully comply with and appropriately respond to the laws and regulations of the areas in which we operate, including ABC laws, judicial/administrative sanctions, international norms and ethics, and full respect for human rights
  • Continue human rights due diligence


  • SDG 4 (icon)
  • SDG 5 (icon)
  • SDG 8 (icon)
Make INPEX the best place to work


FY2021 Achievements

FY2022 Targets

Medium- to Long-Term Targets, Initiatives and Directions


  • Continued promoting INPEX Values, including by presenting the annual Values Awards and holding workshops
  • Revise plans and measures for promoting INPEX Values
  • Resume opportunities for overseas office employees to be assigned to our headquarters
  • Implement programs and promote a corporate culture that cultivates employee satisfaction/engagement
  • Expand support for employee career development
  • Create a workplace environment that supports diverse workstyles and employee well-being


  • Continued implementation of our internal recruitment system (job board)
  • Introduced a new scheme to facilitate internal side work
  • Continued providing career consultation to young office workers and holding skill mapping interviews with young technical employees
  • Expanded career consultation to older workers
  • Implemented well-being workshops
  • Held seminars on psychological safety
  • Launched Breakthrough Leaders Program for fostering the next generation of managers
  • Introduced online learning materials to enhance the English-language business communication skills of all employees
  • Started coaching sessions for participants in the general manager training program
  • Revised work-from-home arrangements
  • Introduced “super flextime” system
  • Held two rounds of workplace COVID-19 vaccinations
  • Introduced team-building initiatives
  • Encouraged employees to take annual paid leave
  • Held health-related seminars
  • Received certifications by the 2021 Health & Productivity Stock Selection Program, and the 2021 Certified Health & Productivity Management Organizations Recognition Program
  • Constructed a new employee dormitory
  • Continued measures based on our General Employer Action Plan to promote women’s participation and advancement in the workplace
  • Received Gold rating in the 2021 Pride Index and Best Practice Award from Work with Pride
  • Developed policies for same-sex partners and their children to enjoy the same treatment as the family members of other employees
  • Implemented unconscious bias training
  • Continue/improve the internal recruitment system (job board)
  • Continue/improve the scheme facilitating internal side work
  • Develop a comprehensive career development system, including career training and consultation
  • Draw up measures for further building and instilling psychological safety in the workplace
  • Establish a new leadership training program
  • Establish a new training program for employees receiving promotions
  • Launch Advanced Leaders Program to train candidates for general manager positions
  • Create a system for managing employee self-directed learning
  • Expand training, consultation, and other support for young employees in their first or second year on the job
  • Establish a new leadership training program for female employees
  • Continuously receive certifications by the Health & Productivity Stock Selection Program and the Certified Health & Productivity Management Organizations Recognition Program
  • Expand occupational physician team
  • Formulate policies to support personnel with cancer or incurable disease
  • Conduct a third round of workplace COVID-19 vaccinations
  • Reduce the amount of overtime work (average of all employees) from FY2021 level
  • Increase the rate of annual paid leave taken (average of all employees) from FY2021 level
  • Continue measures based on our General Employer Action Plan to promote women’s participation and advancement in the workplace
  • Continuously receive Gold rating in the Pride Index from Work with Pride, and establish a support program with the assistance of LGBT experts
  • Continue implementing unconscious bias training